artificial intelligence draws portr_ai_ts

line drawings can be found in all epochs of human tradition. from simple carvings in sand and rock to etchings and complex computer animations. the approach to the line by means of finger or pencil is always a simple one.

this is where the project “portr_ai_ts” comes in. drawing faces from a line, be it on paper or on a tablet. intuitively or with a real face. there should be many different portraits so that a neural network gets as comprehensive an idea as possible of these drawings. with these drawings, it is trained in many steps.

in this way, it can in turn help a second network to create its own portrait drawings. this constellation is called gan. in many epochs, the gan network thus learns to develop its own creativity in a special segment. the network learns until the artist decides to go to this point and no further, similar to completing a painting or putting down the hammer and chisel.

this trained neural network is then the unique source from which fictitious line portraits bubble up, point by point or as a steady flow. output on flipdot displays, known from airports or means of transport, they return to the analogue world.


what kind of images are they?

they show a certain degree of abstraction. in them, the code “dot, dot, comma, dash” blurs into a shadowy image of the human face that sets the familiar structures in motion. the newly created images are not generic, they are not arbitrary cuttings from a mass of templates. the intuitive or naturalistic portrait becomes a learning template for artificial creativity that learns and creates on its own terms. it develops a taste that remains flexible depending on the input. in this, the work also poses the question of the specific production conditions of human art production: to what extent are the results of artists shaped by external influences? under what conditions do we learn to depict things?


fern von nah, lichtinstallation

fern von nah

Eisfabrik Hannover, 11.10.- 8.11.2020

Die Ausstellung „fern von nah“ widmet sich dem Thema menschlicher Grenzen und Ausgrenzung. Ein Thema, das seinen Anfang zu Beginn der Menschheitsgeschichte in der Steinzeit nahm und sich in den vergangenen Jahren bildstark in unserer Wahrnehmung manifestierte.

Zusammen mit Studierenden des Fachbereichs Architektur entwickelt der Lichtbildhauer Franz Betz eine Lichtinstallation für die weisse Halle der Eisfabrik in Hannover. Aus Materialien wie Metallgittern und Gummischläuchen sowie dem Einsatz von Licht formen Anna Pape, Mara Piel und Marvin Letmade zusammen mit dem Künstler dreidimensionale Raumobjekte.

Den Besucherinnen und Besuchern wird es durch die Dreidimensionalität der Installation ermöglicht, verschiedene Betrachtungspunkte einzunehmen und so ihre persönliche Perspektive zu finden.  Zentrales Objekt im Raum ist eine Glutsonne, die nicht als Wärmespender, sondern als reines massives Lichtelement den Raum bestrahlt. Durch Einbauten aus Metallgitter unterteilt sich der Raum und schafft eine künstliche Grenze. Gummiobjekte kontrastieren die gesamte Installation und bilden Inseln in der statischen Welt der Lichtgitter.

Die Gemeinschaftsarbeit von Franz Betz aus Hannover mit der Künstlerin Birte Hölscher aus Worpswede künstlich generierte Bilder einer künstlichen Intelligenz. Fotos aus Überwachungskameras von isländischen Webcams dienen einem künstlichen Netzwerk als Grundlage zur Erschaffung eigener Bildwelten.

Es entstehen Landschaftsabstraktionen, die die Lichtphänomene, den Wechsel von Tag und Nacht und die Leere isländischer Landschaften neu interpretieren.

Über allem schwebt ein Klangteppich der Musikerin Masha Kashyna, die aus realen Tonfragmente und digitalen Elementen die unterschiedlichen Raumstimmung verknüpft.


blind text at luminale 2020

Text fragments are an essential element of today’s communication, and portraits as photographic presentations are often the continuation of romantic visual worlds.

Here, three show windows become a place of communication. Portrait and lettering are pixelated and converted into electrical-mechanical dots on flip dot displays. Photo sensors take self-portraits and convert them using AI algorithms. This results in new monochrome pictorial worlds that merge typographically with text, intensified by the noise of the flipdots.

To celebrate the opening, actress and speaker Ricarda Klingelhöfer will intone delicate word fragments, using her voice to search for illuminating information from blind text generators: texts that only exist in the mind or are otherwise invisible. During an unusual blind text reading in the design agency Bureau Mitte, visitors will learn of blind spots, the blindness of the sighted people and illumination of lettering.

On Friday, the Werkbund Hessen is organizing a theme evening entitled “The inter-medial space between text and image.” Producers of visual content will be elaborating on the question of how much design can image and text tolerate? How much design does a text require? How much text does an image contain?

Questions, it seems, that have always been asked. A relationship that will be redefined on this evening of discussion.

Place: Weckmarkt 3/5, Frankfurt am Main

supported by:

  • Werkbund Hessen e.V.
  • Buerau Mitte
  • Link-Projekt Stiftung Niedersachsen
  • Dr. Rainer Radow
  • Forum Typographie e.V., Biegit Walter

More infos about luminale.