artificial intelligence draws portr_ai_ts
line drawings can be found in all epochs of human tradition. from simple carvings in sand and rock to etchings and complex […]
line drawings can be found in all epochs of human tradition. from simple carvings in sand and rock to etchings and complex […]
Eisfabrik Hannover, 11.10.- 8.11.2020 Die Ausstellung „fern von nah“ widmet sich dem Thema menschlicher Grenzen und Ausgrenzung. Ein Thema, das seinen Anfang […]
Text fragments are an essential element of today’s communication, and portraits as photographic presentations are often the continuation of romantic visual worlds. […]
invitation 5th international festival of contemporary sculpture 46 hosts from 14 countries invite you to the new year´s brunch ´14 sunday, 19th […]
march 30th: many thanks to the two noble helpers christian fahlke and michael müller and of course all the creative bloober […]
li-bloobs with the campaign collage “li-bloobs” the sculptor franz betz takes us into the centre of the milky way. in the stereobar […]
photos: project group “forced labor” e. v., berlin press:
with royal consecrations. the city sculpture was handed over by stefan schostok to prince andrew as an official gift of hanover. more […]
„luther lounge“ at ekd-church office to the long night of churches on the 19th of september 2017 6pm-2pm, herrenhäuser straße 12, 30419 […]
“IHME VISION”, the open light festival, presents urban space as part of a two-day event from the 18th to the 19th of […]
exhibition “the new sensuality in contemporary art” from the 6th june to the 20th september 2015 in the former jva magdeburg, sudenburger wuhne […]
a warm invitation to the castle. on the 4th of december the light installation “kronleuchten” starts in the courtyard of the castle […]
“light and shadow” the sculptor franz betz fascinated the senses of numerous visitors at the luminale 2016 with his combination of […]
when people who share similar passions and interests meet, energy arises. this was the case at the deutscher werkbundtag 2017, which started […]
the city of hanover decorates itself with a floating chain of artificial lights at the town hall for the upcoming 775th birthday […]
werkbund nord presents the room installation light and shadow for werkbund day. a contribution, which shows the diversity of the werkbund […]
“the canvas shatters. fragmented components on the floor. shredded contents of forgotten movies, dramas, comedies, blockbusters. put together. assembly to a space […]
LIGHT SWARM ARTWORK #LWW5 pop-up-manufactory for 5-dimensional light art a project by franz betz at luminale, the light art laboratory trafolab founds […]